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Dungeons and Dragons


Dungeons & Dragons (DND) is a tabletop role-playing game first published in 1974 and designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Unlike traditional wargames at the time that focused on formation and strategy, DND provided a rich narrative, one in which players had an active role (hence role-playing) in the telling of the game narrative.

Play DND Monster Slayer ( )

After answering the questions below they are to share and discuss their answers with the class.


2 to 6 players, best with 3 to 6.


  • Standard 52-card deck.


To collect the most sets of four.


Five cards are dealt to each player if three to six players are involved. With only two players, seven cards are dealt to each. All remaining cards are placed face down in a draw pile.

Game Mechanics

Randomly choose a player to go first.

On your turn, ask a player for a specific card rank. For example: "Barb, please give me your 9s." You must already hold at least one card of the requested rank.

If the player you ask has any cards of the requested rank, she must give all of her cards of that rank to you. In the example, Barb would have to give you all of her 9s.

If you get one or more cards from the player you ask, you get another turn. You may ask any player for any rank you already hold, including the same one you just asked for.

If the person you ask has no relevant cards, they say, "Go fish." You then draw the top card from the pile.

If you happen to draw a card of the rank asked for, show it to the other players and you get another turn.

However, if you draw a card that's not the rank you asked for, it becomes the next player's turn. You keep the drawn card, whatever rank it is.

NOTE: The "next player" is the one who said, "Go fish."

When you collect a set of four cards of the same rank, immediately show the set to the other players and place the four cards face down in front of yourself.


Go Fish continues until either someone has no cards left in their hand or the draw pile runs out. The winner is the player who then has the most sets of four.